Search Completed | Title | Moss Landing Battery Facility Fire Update January 22, 2025
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Page | 001 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Moss Landing Battery Facility Fire Update January 22, 2025 - Monterey, California The Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD) continues to track potential particulate matter impacts associated with emissions from the battery facility fire at Moss Landing from our regulatory air monitors and wildfire smoke sensor network. According to Monterey County Joint Information Center, the current conditions of the fire are stable but resources are in place if reignition were to occur. Based on the plume height and particulate matter monitor and sensor data, smoke from the battery fire did not impact ground-level areas where people live. The sensors located near Moss Landing in Castroville, Watsonville, Prunedale, and Aromas continue to show good to moderate air quality which means the concentrations meet the health-based state and federal standards. It should be noted that MBARD does not have the capability to test for hydrofluoric acid (HF), a toxic air pollutant of concern associated with battery fire emissions from lithium battery fires. HF air monitoring data was collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and was analyzed with assistance from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). This data indicates that no levels of HF exceeded OEHHA’s acute Reference Exposure Level (REL) of 300 parts per billion. The acute REL is the highest concentration of a chemical that a person can safely be exposed to for one hour without an increased risk of serious, non-cancer health impacts, including for children and sensitive individuals. USEPA concluded supplemental air monitoring of HF on January 20 however, Vistra Energy’s third-party consultant continues to conduct air monitoring. More information about the fire is available here: Individuals experiencing health effects should consider contacting their health care provider or seeking medical attention. For more information on air quality, please check our website,, for near real-time concentrations of particulate matter characterized by the Air Quality Index. In addition, please check our Wildfire Smoke Info and Resources link for more information about our particulate matter sensor network: . Richard A. Stedman Air Pollution Control Officer En español en la página siguiente. 1 of 2