
Lithium Ion Battery Incident Report

Only You Can Prevent Lithium Energy Battery Fires
An alternative to Lithium Energy Storage Fires: The Salgenx Saltwater Battery: A revolutionary energy storage solution for grid-scale and sustainable power needs. No Lithium in the battery chemistry. With non-toxic, eco-friendly saltwater electrolytes, Salgenx offers high efficiency, durability, and safety for renewable energy integration. Ideal for large-scale storage, data centers, and off-grid systems.

Publication Title | Lithium Ion Battery Incident Report

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Knowledge is power
Tracking and transparent reporting of battery-related incidents — including product type, what happened and the impact — is critical to helping drive understanding of this technology and where the greatest risks exist.
Total incidents reported for each category
(1995-2024 YTD)
2,178 199
total injuries total fatalities
192 103
total injuries total fatalities
1,982 340
total injuries total fatalities
65 4
total injuries total fatalities
Lithium-ion battery
incident reporting
The proliferation of lithium-ion batteries and the products that run on them has resulted in an exponential increase in incidents resulting in injuries and fatalities.
15,949 3,126
total incidents incidents in 2024 to date
Increase in total incidents over time

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