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Environmental Health & Radiation Safety
Page: 1of15
Rev. 9-17-js
1.0 Purpose and Applicability
1.1 It is the policy of the University of Pennsylvania in coordination with the Office of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety to provide the University community with a safe and healthful environment. This program is designed to provide the Penn community with guidelines for the safe use, storage and disposal of lithium-based batteries.
1.2 This program applies to Penn Schools and Centers that use lithium-based batteries for education and research activities.
2.0 Roles and Responsibilities
2.1 Penn’s Office of Environmental Health and Radiation Safety (EHRS) is responsible for:
2.1.1 Maintaining the University’s Lithium Battery Safety Program.
2.1.2 Assist in the investigation of lithium battery incidents.
2.1.3 Assist in training and communication of lithium battery safety information to the Penn
2.1.4 Waste management including proper recycling or disposal of batteries.
2.1.5 Emergency response. Contact 215-898-4453 at any time on any day.
2.2 Penn’s Division of Public Safety – Fire and Emergency Services (FES) is responsible for:
2.2.1 Assist with the investigation of lithium battery incidents.
2.2.2 Assist end users with the selection and proper placement and use of appropriate fire
extinguishing equipment.
2.3 Principal Investigators, Faculty in Charge or Supervisors within Penn’s Schools and Centers
are responsible for:
2.3.1 Implementation of applicable provisions of this program.
2.3.2 Obtain, review and maintain the battery manufacturer’s technical specifications and
safety information for each battery.
2.3.3 Educate all users of secondary lithium batteries on proper usage and the potential hazards
associated with them.
2.3.4 Develop standard operating procedures for safe work practices related to specific lithium
battery tasks or use applications.
3160 Chestnut Street, Suite 400 Philadelphia PA 19104
Tel. 215.898.4453. Fax 215.898.0140.

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