
First Responders Guide to Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System Incidents

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First Responders Guide to Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System Incidents
1 Introduction
This document provides guidance to first responders for incidents involving energy storage systems (ESS). The guidance is specific to ESS with lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, but some elements may apply to other technologies also. Hazards addressed include fire, explosion, arc flash, shock, and toxic chemicals. For the purposes of this guide, a facility is assumed to be subject to the 2023 revision of NFPA 855 [B8]1 and to have a battery housed in a number of outdoor enclosures with total energy exceeding 600 kWh, thus triggering requirements for a hazard mitigation analysis (HMA), fire and explosion testing in accordance with UL 9540A [B14], emergency planning, and annual training. (The 2021 International Fire Code (IFC) [B2] has language that has been largely harmonized with NFPA 855, so the requirements are similar.)
This guide provides recommendations for pre-incident planning and incident response. Additional tutorial content is provided for each of the hazard categories. The Bibliography provides references to applicable codes and standards, and other documents of interest.
2 Abbreviations and acronyms
HMA hazard mitigation analysis
IDLH immediately dangerous to life and health LEL lower explosive limit
authority having jurisdiction
battery management system
emergency response plan (designated in NFPA 855 as ‘emergency operations plan’) energy storage system
LFL lower flammable limit
LFP lithium iron phosphate battery
Li-ion lithium-ion
NCA lithium nickel-cobalt-aluminum oxide NFPA National Fire Protection Association NMC lithium nickel-manganese-cobalt oxide PPE personal protective equipment
SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus SDS safety data sheet
SME subject-matter expert
UFL upper flammable limit
UL Underwriters Laboratories
1 References in square brackets are to the Bibliography at the end of this guide. 1 July 2023

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