
Avocet Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

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Publication Title | Avocet Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

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July 9, 2024
Christopher Palmer, AICP - Planning Manager McKina Alexander, Senior Planner
Avocet Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) – Mitigated Negative Declaration, Design Overlay Review (DOR) No. 1887-22, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 1115-21, and Development Agreement (DA) No. 32-22
Project Summary:
Project Location:
Project Applicant/Owner:
A request to consider approval of DOR No. 1887-22 and CUP No. 1115-21, contingent upon City Council approval, and recommendation of City Council adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration and DA No. 32-22 for the development of an approximately 200-megawatt battery energy storage system (BESS) and project-related offsite improvements (as described in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project and in the Development Agreement).
23320 Alameda Street (APN: 7315-020-022) Manufacturing Heavy and Design Overlay Review (MH-D)
Avocet Energy Storage, LLC c/o John Meinecke for Arevon Energy, Inc.
A. Introduction and History
The approximately 6.96-acre project site includes one parcel, APN 7315-020-022, and is in the eastern portion of the city, east of South Alameda Street and north of East Sepulveda Boulevard. The proposed project includes an on-site approximately 200-megawatt battery energy storage system (BESS) development and project-related offsite improvements that traverse the cities of Carson, Los Angeles, and Long Beach. The applicant/prospective permittee and contracting party under DA No. 32-22 and the aerial easement agreement for the project is Avocet Energy Storage, LLC (“Avocet”), which holds an option to lease the property from its owner. Avocet is managed by Arevon Energy, Inc.
City of Carson
Planning Commission Meeting of July 9, 2024

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